Dr. Lisa Stewart, D.D. teaches every Sunday at Spiritual Living of Greater Milwaukee.
We teach the Science of Mind and more. We believe that God is greater, grander, more magnificent than any religion, faith or spiritual tradition that attempts to explain It, including our own.
Join us every Sunday at 10:30 for inspiring and uplifting Sunday Services that include music, message and prayer. We have a wonderful Jr. Church that teaches a positive, spiritual approach to life that also meets at 10:30 a.m.
LIVE, in person
BYO – Bring your own water and/or coffee.
Doors Open 10:00 a.m.
Church begins 10:30 a.m.
400 S. 91st Street at Adler.
Count YOUR blessings!
Be the guardian of YOUR THOUGHTS!
Self-Correct if you find your inner house divided!
Stay tuned for more!
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24 hour prayer line – 414-299-9012
Thank you for your continued generous giving to
Spiritual Living of Greater Milwaukee on Square and by mail.
With love from your Board of Trustees,
Rev. Karen Balistreri; Fay Berry, R. Sc. P. Treasurer; Greg O’Hearn, Vice President; Terrance Kraus, Intern Practitioner; Jennifer Di Luccia, R. SC. P.; Jerome Krings, Parliamentarian; & Dr. Lisa Stewart.
Sunday Talk, Treatment, Namaste,
Music & Message
Join us!